What to pack for your 2 week Vacay with baby

If you love to travel, chances are you will be road tripping with your baby. My husband and I have gone to Orlando 3 times since our baby boy was born in October. This time was a little different. We not only went to Disney but also drove up to Atlanta, Louisville, Indianapolis, and Chicago. This was the first big adventure we embarked on with Logan and he was such a trooper the whole time.

I was a little worried at first because that was ALOT of driving we would be doing and so many days away from home. I was worried of him getting bored in the car, worried about running out of food, or clothes, or diapers. I’m such a worry wort but to be honest, anything we would need we could just get at cvs. I don’t know why I was stressing. It ended up being so much fun and I packed more than needed.

Here’s a list of what I packed and what I used or didn’t end up using:


Daytime clothes: I packed one outfit per day for our little one. He barely gets dirty anymore and I didn’t want to over pack for no reason. Also, we planned to spend a lot of time in the pool so 11 regular outfits was more than enough. I did a mix of shorts and T-shirt’s and those cute shorts onesies.

Nice clothes: In addition to that, I packed 5 nicer outfits for dinner time or any fancy restaurants we decided to go to.

Specialty clothes: If there are any holidays during your trip or costumes for meeting characters (like at Disney) don’t forget those! We were traveling during fourth of July so I made sure to pack our patriotic best.

Swimwear:  As I said we planned to spend a lot of time in the water so I packed 4 bathing suits. My mother in law gifted Logan 2 Mickey swimsuits and he had 2 already so I brought them all. He looks so cute in his swim suits that I just couldn’t resist bringing them all.

Extras: I also brought 5 “just in case” outfits. In the event he did get dirty or wet we would have some extra daytime clothes to put on him.

Shoes: I love to put shoes on Logan. I mean I know it’s totally unnecessary but I think it’s so freakin cute when babies wear shoes. I brought 4 pairs (2 sneakers/ 2 sandals).

Hats: We live in sunny Florida after all and it’s HOT! I definitely didn’t want ligan to burn (he’s kind of white like his daddy). We brought a swim hat, a cap, and 2 Mickey hats. Can you tell I love Disney!?

Pajamas: I packed 1 per day. Recently he has been wetting his pajamas in the night. We even have those overnight diapers but some nights they don’t work.

Bath items:

Bath soap


Medicated cream (for eczema)

2 Bath toys


These bath items we use every day. When possible, purchase travel size or smaller tubes.

Everyday items

2 wearable blankets (incase he peed through): And he did. We had to do laundry while on the road.

2 Muslin blankets (incase one gets dirty)

Nail clippers

Butt cream

Diapers: 65 (we average 5 per day so I calculated 1 extra a day just in case

Overnight diapers: (12)

Wipes: Like a lot of them. We ended up running out and having to go out and buy more.

Big items

Playpen: Most hotels have cribs you can use if you want to save the space in the car. I feel weird about it. But that’s just me. I preferred to pack ours and we took the truck so we had more than enough room.

Baby carrier: We didn’t use it that much but it definitely came in handy at the aquarium. Most of the shows did not allow strollers so it was easier just to have our little guy in a carrier.


Mosquito cover (we didn’t end up using it)

Rain guard: And I used it! It was the first time I had actually used this. We were leaving the Georgia Aquarium and it was POURING. Like we could not get out to the car. My husband ran in he rain to bring the car closer to us. I had to buy a poncho and a very nice gentleman helped me figure out how to use the rain guard for the stroller. Baby stayed dry.

Food items

Baby food

Baby desert


Milk: ready to feed 8 oz bottles. Get enough for the whole trip. Even though we live in America and things are easily accessible here, some stores will not carry the exact brand you use. In Indianapolis we went to 4 different stores before finding our brand. Don’t be like me. BE PREPARED.

Bottles: (3) I decided to pack a days worth so we didn’t have to worry about washing bottles and finding a sink during the day.



Cart cover: we like to cover the high chairs at restaurants. I’m not a germaphobe or anything but those things can get pretty dirty.

Nose frida and nose drops: last time we went to Disney Logan got really sick. No fever, just congested and coughing. We ended up having to buy a second nose frida. Well, that’s not happening again!

Tylenol: in case the baby gets a fever. There’s a mini fridge in most hotels nowadays.

I was so worried about the driving and if the baby would get cranky or not. My advice, don’t worry so much. Live in the moment. Deal with the tantrums as they come because your kid might absolutely surprise you.

Logan had the BEST time on this road trip and while he won’t remember any of it, mom and dad have the pictures. Stuff he loved: crawling around the hotel floor, shows (at the aquarium and on tv in the car, we gotta do what we gotta do, am I right?), and trying different foods.

If you would like any additional advice, do not hesitate to email me or comment below.